Sykesville FD Responds To Over 40 Emergency Calls During Storm
By Public Information Officer Bill Rehkopf
January 25, 2016

The Sykesville-Freedom District Fire Department responded to over 40 calls for service during the weekend winter storm, according to figures released by fire officials.

Chief Ed Ruch, Jr. says that there were a total of 42 responses from Friday evening until Sunday evening; approximately four times the normal call volume for the period.

The responses ran the gamut from carbon monoxide calls to storm-related medical calls. There were also several non-storm related calls as well.

Over the course of the three-day event, paid and volunteer fire and EMS crews racked up a total of 830 hours of service. The fire department was also assisted by two Maryland National Guard troops with a Humvee that responded on most of the calls.

The fact that schools are once again closed on Tuesday should be an indication that things are not quite back to normal yet. Once again, please make sure that your vents are clear and operating properly to prevent a carbon monoxide issue.

Also, please do us a favor and clear your neighborhood fire hydrants. If there is a fire, the precious time spent accessing the hydrant means that much of a delay in fighting the fire and protecting life and property. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Also, a clear hydrant will prevent them from being struck by snow plows. One hydrant was sheared completely off today on Cornwall Court in Eldersburg. Fortunately, the underground valve itself was not damaged, and no one was hurt.

Finally, once again, a tremendous THANK YOU from the community for your assistance and patience this weekend. It was a big challenge, but no call went unanswered.